How to write diary entry?

In a diary, you write down when something important has happened to you on a day, something you don’t want to forget or something that seems so essential to you that writing it down will make you more explicit about it. In the following article, we get to know about How to write diary entry? So don’t skip the article from anywhere and read it carefully because it’s going to be very useful for you guys.

What do you write in a diary?

You write the diary in the first person. Example: Today, I experienced something special.

Keeping a diary is thus an autobiography that reports on one’s own life in chronological order.

The most famous diary

The most famous diary is the diary of a young girl, Anne Frank (1942–1944). Anne Frank hid for two years with her family from the Nazis, not to be killed by them, and Anne Frank kept a diary during this time to write diary entry. This diary is now regarded as a historical document from the time of the Holocaust.

Sometimes, however, diaries are also kept to publish them later and earn money with them. Do this, e.g. B. Actors, politicians or athletes.

How do you write a diary? example

There are different ways to keep a journal. It can look like this, for example:

Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Today I went to the ice cream parlour with Tom and Aslan. We met Tomke and Anna there. We had a friendly chat. Sure – everyone agreed that we could meet here again. I particularly liked it.

Anna seems to like me. I’ll talk to her tomorrow in the schoolyard because we have a topic we can talk about: our favourite ice cream parlour.

Diary entry in short form …

October 21, 2014, I went to

the ice cream parlour with Tom and Aslan. Met Tomke and Anna, really lovely.

An essay on the topic of “diary” usually requires diary entries with complete sentences, as you can see in the first example.

Personal memories

Diary entries are written differently than an essay on a specific topic. In a diary entry, you record memories that personally touched you, made you happy or annoyed.

Order of thoughts in the diary

Thoughts are often not sorted in the diary entry as in another essay. Usually, you associate different events or feelings with specific events. As a result, there are, among other things, temporal jumps.

Inner monologue

In diary entries, one often speaks to oneself. This is shown in the following example:

I don’t even know what I was thinking. Why did I do that?

Rules for the journal entry

  • Start with the date of the diary entry
  • Write in the first person
  • Write in the correct chronological order
  • What happened?
  • Describe your thoughts on what happened
  • Express your feelings
  • Ask yourself questions (did I get it right?)
  • What did other people say?
  • How did other people react?
  • How did you react to that?
  • Has that changed anything?

Write a journal entry.

An essay is a self-contained text. The teacher often gives the article’s subject and the form: subject, predicate, dative object, accusative object and all parts of the sentence.

Practice active and passive ballads. The essay can be written in the following form: a diary entry, a report or report, and an exciting story.

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