How to tell if chest pain is muscular?

Precordial pain, as the most common cause of chest pain. Is not always associated with an acute myocardial infarction and it is possible. That it does not manifest with pain in this area either. This is where the so-called referred pains come into play, those that are perceived in a different location from the site of the painful stimulus, commonly known as trigger points in physiotherapy. In this article, we read about How to tell if chest pain is muscular?

How to tell if chest pain is muscular

In recent years, there has been an increase in concern among patients attending consultations concerned about stabbing pain in the lower sternum or interscapular. Even sometimes with pain radiating to the arms, back, neck, and jaw, typical pain in cardiac pathology. They have consulted Dr. Google and two results appeared: a malignant tumor or an infarct.

With that diagnosis, they have gone to their family doctor, who has proceeded to tell him that neither one nor the other. They usually come out with some prescriptions for NSAIDs (Non-steroidal Anti-inflammatory drugs) to end up in the physiotherapist’s consultation to tell if chest pain is muscular, which after one or more several sessions depending on the cause of the pain from discharge.

Knowing how to breathe, a fundamental key

A bad respiratory pattern is usually one of the main causes of this type of new athlete, who jump into the race without education in sports practice. This implies malpractice, and it is that to practice sports intensively, you also have to document yourself.

A bad adjustment of the diaphragm, the main muscle of respiration, can cause pain in the pit of the stomach, as well as a pain in the belt following the coastal path, can sometimes manifest as a sensation of shortness of breath.

Respiratory Pattern

An abnormal respiratory pattern also makes us think of the scalenes (a group of three pairs of muscles on the sides of the neck), which belong to the respiratory accessory muscles and which can be involved, causing the so-called scalene syndrome. In this, said structure that is closely related to the cervical, compresses the vascular-nervous package that gives sensitivity to the upper limb to tell if chest pain is muscular. In addition, it can be associated with a syndrome of the first rib or pectoralis minor, among others, that give us a sensation of numbness in the arm, pain radiating to the chest, total or partial paresthesia, and even neurovegetative syndrome manifesting itself in dizziness.

Dizziness and tachycardias as symptoms

Dizziness and tachycardias also scare the runner patient. When they feel them during exercise and in many cases. They are nothing more than poor hydration. Or a poor diet that does not prevent a drop in blood sugar during training. And can also have fatal consequences.

This differential diagnosis is not only found in new athletes. People with jobs where these structures are overloaded can also be affected. After all, and generalizing any structural or muscular problem. In the cervicals can generate pain radiating to the upper limb. The muscular contracture of the left interscapular. The zone often caused by the infraspinatus or the subscapularis. It also generates referred pain along the left arm that can confuse. With the symptoms of cardiac arrest. These are very common in administrative personnel or racquet sports players.

Bottom Line

If after evaluating the musculoskeletal system the origin of the pain not found. And the doctor has already ruled out cardiac pathology. It would be necessary to think about which internal structures can generate referred pain of the left hemithorax. The most common is the stomach, which can cause pain in the left shoulder. As well as acute retrosternal pain, which occurs frequently in people with heartburn. Or gastroesophageal reflux. This can also be accompanied by a hiatal hernia.

Anxiety can also confuse the patient. Coming to believe that he is suffering from an AMI (myocardial infarction). As well as panic attacks that would fall into this same category. But which become the province of psychology.

The ideal is to lead a healthy life, with stress and anxiety control. As well as a healthy diet along with physical exercise adapted to each person.

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