Time never stops for anyone. You have to work according to the time. Who obeys the time and remains regular and punctual in life, will be successful in life. Everyone knows the value of time, otherwise the wheel of time will ruined. Don’t worry, we have a solution for this problem by reading this article How to do Messy Bun?
Some of it happens when your alarm clock goes off and you will be late. You have no time to become ready for office or any job. Suppose you have only 10 minutes to prepare. There is no time to make your usual hairstyle.
Messy bun is the solution to this problem.
How to make a messy bun?
It is a quick and fast way to become ready urgently. There is no extra need for preparation. The things which are used in its preparation are mostly found and used as usual in your cupboards. .
Required Things
2:Bobby pins
4:Hair spray
5:Dry shampoo( if your hair are clean)
Some things look more hardworking, but they are effortless actually. Messy bun is also very easy to make. It can make for long, short and medium size hair.
Your hair should be enough until your shoulder. It doesn’t matter, your hair is clean or dirty. An amazing thing about the messy bun is that it makes a good look with hair that was washed two days ago. Fresh washing hair needs more effort to prepare.
Turn your head downwards and keep your hair near the roots. Take a rubber elastic and tie your hair. Keep in mind to gather your hair on the bottom of the head, or as you want. When you gather your hair in a place where you want to make your messy bun, tie it with a pony. Now you have to use the bobby pins to stabilize your hair. Use bobby pins properly frontside, backside and other sides also.
Now twist your hair around the bun carefully. Twist the whole hair around the bun, you have to keep some strands of hair without the bun. Leave the bottom of your hair outside. Now spray your hair to look good and keep your hair still in one place till the evening.
If your hair is clean you can also use dry shampoo as a spray making them ready. The dirty or two days ago washing hair is best for it.
Curly Hair
It doesn’t matter what type of hair you have. Curly hair is also suitable for messy bun. Comb hair well and gather them in one place. Use a leave-in cream to make your hair soffits avocado oils give you a soft touch and grip your tough hair. When you twist hair leave out some stray hair and wrap them around the bun lightly, it will give a good look to your hair.
Straight Hair
Straight hair also needs some extra texture, because they are so straight that they cannot stay in one place for a long time. You have to spray them to make ready for a messy bun. There are many creams and sprays for this purpose. You can buy it from the market. Bind the hair in one place and tie it with elastic on a high ponytail. Start to twist hair around the bun slowly. Use bobby pins to stay hair in one point. leave some flippy hair without getting caught. Now spray hair to stay in one place till evening.
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