It is the worst feeling ever knowing that your car battery is dead and you have to do something quickly to start your car. It is important to learn the usage of jumper cables. Jumper cables are electrical wires used to start the vehicle by jump-starting it or charging the battery from another vehicle. In the following article, we learn how to use jumper cables? So please don’t skip the article from anywhere and read it carefully because it will be very useful for all of you guys.
There is one black and one red lead in jumper cables. It is important to understand the colors to attach them easily. It is important to learn how to use jumper cables. Use it carefully and take safety precautions. If you are not well aware of using the jumper cables, try to take help from others.
The first thing you have to do is find the vehicle that has the best battery. It is important to have a good battery if you charge your battery from another vehicle battery. Park the vehicle closely if you are not taking out the batteries from both vehicles. Find the place where batteries are installed. It should be attached around the engine. Well, mostly, vehicle batteries are with the engine. There is no current flow in both cars other than jumping cables. Attach the jumping cables to the appropriate place.
Attach the cables:
Power off both vehicles to start the process. Attach the red jumper cable to the + terminal given in the dead battery. Attach the other red cable to the donor + terminal. Then connect the black cable to – the terminal of the donor battery. Make sure the donor has enough power to charge other dead batteries. Also, you have to make sure the donor battery should be started after charging the dead battery. Attach the second end of the black jumper cable to bare metals. Don’t attach the second end of the black cable to – the terminal of the dead battery. It is important to note this because it is a common mistake to make when someone is new to this thing.
Charge the battery:
When you attach the cables to both vehicles, start the car whose battery is active. The battery will start charging once you start the car. Sometimes it takes time to charge the battery, and in some cases, the dead battery car will start immediately. The current will start flowing after you start the car. Let the engine run for some minute for that purpose. Start the car with the dead battery if it did not start automatically after connecting the cables.
When the dead battery car starts, at last, the next step is to disconnect the cables. First, remove the black cables from the dead battery and remove the second black cable to the live battery. Next, disconnect the red cable from the live battery and then remove the red cable from the dead battery. It is easy to do when you don’t have any auto shop nearby. You have to find a vehicle that has a good battery and can charge your dead battery with jumper cables.
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