And make sure to read these and .
1. “There are moments in life where it gets so hectic that time becomes a blur. Keep calm and never give up.”
2. “Whether fighting or spitting, my discipline is unforgiving!”
3. “I fear nothing and I regret less.”
4. “I don’t have any elaborate uniforms—I come to the ring in a t-shirt, a pair of sneakers, and some shorts.”
5. “When you see me on TV, that’s about as close to my real personality as you can get.”
6. “A man’s character is not judged after he celebrates a victory, but by what he does when his back is against the wall.”
7. “Live fast, fight hard, no regrets!”
8. “Nobody remembers second place.”
9. “To succeed, I have to believe every night, in my heart, that I am the best.”
10. “I never back down, and I never quit!”
11. “When the day comes , there’s the door, get the hell out.”
12. “I haven’t backed down from a fight in my life, and I won’t start tonight.”
13. “I really, really, really love my job. So, it’s not like I’m trying to quit wrestling to do movies, they just all seemed like cool things to do. I mean, I’d love to be the bad guy in an action movie, because then, people would get to see another side of me they don’t get to see.”
14. “I don’t doll myself up for TV because I want people to accept me for who I am.”
15. “A lot of the artists that are coming out right now are sticking to the formula of guns, drugs, money, all that other stuff. I’m not from the hood, I’ve never been arrested, I never shot anybody, I never sold drugs.”
16. “Hey, I’m not nervous ‘cause you got this weird fetish with butts. I’m scared because your favourite food is sausage and nuts!”
17. “I shook her hand last week and she gave me gonorrhea.”
18. “Welcome to Smackdown. This is where the franchise plays. That’s Tazz, he’s a thug, and that’s Michael Cole, he’s gay.”
19. “Yes, I have a belt. I wear big pants because my ass is huge. So I can’t go to a store, buy off the rack—a size that is appropriate for my waist—because they don’t fit my ass!”
20. “You want ‘The Next Big Thing?’ Let me take my pants off!”
21. “Me, Brock Lesnar, here comes the pain. God built me strong, forget to give me brain.”
22. “Fashion advice from the Tooth Fairy, that’s great.”
23. “You smell like crap, so I know you don’t like soap.”
24. “Heath Slater, or the chick from Wendy’s.”
25. “Ladies and gentlemen, King of the Stupid Question—Todd Grisham!”
26. “Vickie is so fat that her baby pictures were taken via satellite.”
27. “There’s no way I can tag team with Randy Orton. He just wears too much oil!”
28. “You’re dressed up like the flag, somebody get him a pole! Oh, no, no, no, I know how you can get one. Go on a date with Michael Cole.”
29. “This must be Monday Night Raw, we just got a Wendy’s chant.”
30. “Lightning will shoot from my ass!”
31. “Hustle, loyalty, respect.”
32. “The champ is here!”
33. “If you want some, come get some!”
34. “The Chain Gang is in the house!”
35. “You can’t see me!”
36. “Thou fail to perceive mineself!”
37. “Baloney fudging mustard!”
38. “There’s those who talk about it, and there’s those who BE about it!”
39. “Welcome to the New Raw!”
40. “I’m the white Mohammad Ali.”
41. “I got a bunch of my own, but my favorite signature move of all time is Ric Flair’s Figure Four Leglock.”
42. “I’d rather be in the ring, 10 times out of 10.”
43. “This is my life, this is my passion, this is all I got.”
44. “Trust me, I know where my heart is, and my heart’s right here. I’m going to keep doing everything because I love to do it, but I will never sacrifice my time between the ropes. That’s no shot to anybody. Everybody’s got different career paths. This is mine.”
45. “I am a champion who makes an impact.”
46. “For me, I don’t go in the backdoor—that’s the one thing I don’t do.”
47. “What we do is entertainment. They wouldn’t go to Tom Cruise and ask if his movies are fake. We provide entertainment. I would rather someone tell me I am not entertaining than ask if what we do is fake.”
48. “I think every year, my role changes. And I am an open house for advice for anyone to use. It’s just a matter of asking questions.”
49. “My advice to young people in the wrestling business would be to repeat such questions to yourself as—“How am I standing out? How am I getting recognized? How am I getting over it?” And if you don’t have definitive answers for doing those things, you are doing it wrong. It is, essentially, on them. There is no right way to do it, and that’s one of the great things about this business because you can be creative. People who say they have it figured out are wrong.”
50. “I’m going to be wrestling for as long as I can. It’s something I’m very passionate about and something that I love.”
51. “Being a pro wrestler can be kind of difficult sometimes. We have a perception about what we do, and I totally understand the perception, because we’re a weekly episodic program, and we’re having fun all the time, so people think that’s kind of the most talented thing I could do.”
52. “Your job as a superstar is to manipulate the audience and try to tell your story. I like the dynamic of the audience.”
53. “When I was first starting to achieve success in the WWE, I got to be surrounded by the last class of true greats, and they all had little tips and secrets. You learn a lot from watching somebody work.”
54. “I’ve worked my entire career to try to broaden the perception of the WWE. A lot of folks think because we’re so entertaining, and oftentimes, have such wild and well-defined characters, that it’s all we are. It has kind of been my life’s work to tell the public that’s not true.”
55. “I guess my mission statement is now to let the world know on a global scale that WWE, certainly, is a wonderful form of entertainment, but it’s superstars are more than just superstars inside the ring—they do so much more outside the ring and have so much more to offer.”
56. “Entertainment is often a medium in which you can put yourself front and center.”
57. “Blood is one of the things that made fights cool. Like, you knew it had gotten serious. I understand why we don’t do it anymore.”
58. “I hate any match that isn’t a traditional Tag Team Match or a traditional Singles Match, because anything can happen. It’s truly one of those deals where it’s all about being in the right place at the right time.”
59. “A lot of the stuff that I say doesn’t even make TV, because it gets cut out. So, if you’re at the live events, you get to hear what I have to say, but if you’re watching on TV, you’re only getting about 50% of it.”
60. “As a company, the best that we can do is not only penalize, but rehabilitate. Speaking for myself, I’ve always been strong. I don’t need that club to put in my bag. This is a choice of the athlete, not the sanctioning body. We do substance abuse testing, impact testing, cardiac testing, so we try to sniff out these problems before they even start.”
61. “When I first became controversial and the fanbase became divided, it was backward! Because normally in our industry, when you hear a certain noise, you become a bad guy. My job wasn’t to do that, which was a bit of wandering into no man’s land. At the WWE, it’s our job to tell stories. I’m one of the few characters who can be in the WWE and can then take that experience, and spin it out to real-life lessons. When you can clock into work and make a difference in someone else’s life, that’s a good way to make a living.”
62. “We really do have a lot of personality in WWE. You have to, to be in this job. You showcase a lot of personality.”
63. “Believe it or not, I like the ‘Rumble.’ It’s extremely unpredictable and over-the-top. Everyone in the WWE universe looks forward to it. It becomes that one event each year where people center around.”
64. “I know my way around the WWE. I know at least a little bit about everything and our business model, and I feel comfortable there, although I still learn every day.”
65. “There is no ‘off’ being John Cena—it’s always on. In a way, I think that has helped me, because over the years, I have been able to be humble. I have been able to be humiliated in front of the WWE universe in a good way.”
66. “I don’t know why ESPN asked me to host the ESPYs. I think that they realize we, over at WWE, can engage a live audience. We certainly have an enormous following.”
67. “My life is with WWE.”
68. “As soon as I found out there was a school you could go to to become a WWE superstar, I was immediately hooked.”
69. “WWE is really focused on empowering women.”
70. “I really, really want the WWE to be able to perform on a regular basis in China. I think we should be able to go to India on a regular basis.”
71. “I think that the potential of Total Divas and female athletes is that the sky is the limit. People want to know about these women, and in the WWE, we call it the Divas Revolution—it’s a movement for women’s empowerment.
72. “I really want to thank the whole Phoenix-Scottsdale-Glendale area. It’s been a wonderful home for WWE for years.”
73. “I know there will be a WrestleMania 33, and 34, and 35, and hopefully 100.”
74. “Oftentimes, WWE lives in its own bubble because it is forever moving. Oftentimes, a motion picture will live in its own bubble because they have a certain amount of time to get everything done. It’s just, when you connect the two and get everything straightened out, truly, it may take a little elbow grease.”
75. “Being so doopity, it’s awesome. And I think it’s just one of the reasons that people should get hitched on with the WWE Network. It’s more than just these network specials like ‘WrestleMania,’ and like ‘SummerSlam’. It’s programming geared for the WWE universe.”
76. “As far as me participating in ‘WrestleMania 32’, the Magic 8-Ball says, ‘Ask again later.’”
77. “My home is at the WWE. I truly do love performing. The atmosphere here isn’t like anything else. It’s truly where I belong.”
78. “I watch just as much WWE as almost anyone, but I love to. It’s something I enjoy doing. I don’t force myself to watch. I get excited for Mondays. I get excited to see the show.”
79. “Regardless of the perception that the talent may have or the superstars may have, WWE’s business model is ‘give the fans what they want.’”
80. “For the past 9 years, the WWE has been my home!”
81. “For me, to get any match is fine. For me to be thrown right into the mix and be named No. 1 Contender for the World Heavyweight Championship is a blessing.”
82. “I think you can check out ‘Monday Night Raw,’ and watch any ‘U.S. Open Challenge,’ and my actions speak for themselves.”
83. “Winning the Royal Rumble is as big an accomplishment as anything.”
84. “This is everything to me. If I don’t have this, I don’t know what else I’ll be doing. I personally have found where I belong. You can cut back to photos of me holding, uh, paper championships. That was truly my dream. This is what I was born to do. As far as from all this to do something else, I don’t, I just don’t, I don’t see the rationality.”
85. “Amazingly enough, athletic achievement is one of those things that seems larger than life at points. I think we all look to for inspiration.”
86. “When people show loyalty to you, you take care of those who are with you. It’s how it goes with everything. If you have a small circle of friends, and one of those friends doesn’t stay loyal to you, they don’t stay your friend for very long.”
87. “Be loyal to those who are loyal to you, and respect everyone, even your enemies and competition.”
88. “A relationship is based on communication.”
89. “I hang out with a lot of the people I did when I was in high school, when I was in college. And I have a strong unit of people around me, whether it be friends or family. And if my head gets too big, they will definitely check me immediately.”
90. “I think we all have experiences when we were young where we either had an interaction with someone we admired, or you know, had a vision of how they were, and found out that they weren’t necessarily that, and that it tends to be a big let down sometimes.”
91. “I took the California Highway Patrol exam and didn’t pass, so I tried to be a cop and failed.”
92. “I graduated from college with a degree in ex-phys and kinesiology, because it was learning to work out, and I already knew how to work out. So, I just wanted an easy degree. I’m sorry, but that’s just the way it was.”
93. “By the time I was 15 and I stepped in the high school gym, I was just stronger than everybody.”
94. “I don’t play a character. It’s totally just an extension of myself.”
95. “Most were like Little League coaches and all that. My dad was a wrestling fan. Instead of going out and playing home run derby with my old man, we just watched wrestling together.”
96. “I had reconstructive pectoral surgery. I had a cervical neck fusion and a scope, and the scope was the toughest.”
97. “I was very unique as a child, dressed a certain way, acted a certain way, didn’t fit in with everybody. So, I immediately got picked on, especially around the age of 12 and 13, when you start going to junior high and start mingling with the older kids. To counteract that, strictly for self-defense, I wanted to get bigger.”
98. “My favorite thing about ‘Saturday Night’s Main Event,’ it was that one time where I could stay up late with my dad and four brothers, and we would all beat the tar out of each other while the show was on, and it was all okay because my dad was a wrestling fan.”
99. “My dad is the reason I actually started watching wrestling. My dad was never big into sports, we were all big into sports as kids, and he’d go to our Little League games or whatever and not really know what was going on, because he didn’t know about sports, but he knew about wrestling.”
100. “I’m fine with being beat-up and pushed around, but I’m really scared of heights and scared of ledges.”
101. “As a kid, what brought me to the gym, what got me in there every day was a chance to break your personal best, a chance to be strong. I just really, really dig that.”
102. “My dad is not a sports guy but was drawn to the theatrics of wrestling.”
103. “My most string-beanish, I guess, is when I was 15 years old. From 15 to 16, I went from 155 pounds to 215. By the time I graduated from high school, I was between 235-250.”
104. “I can’t believe I’m actually saying this, but there is a difference between the John Cena character you see on television and me as a human being.”
105. “I was fortunate that when I was first starting out in New Orleans, I had a remarkable high-school teacher, and she was a great, great influence in my life, and I think she gave me the courage and the confidence to go forward into the real world. She instilled in me that my dreams were important and that what I was passionate about was most important.”
106. “When you look back at your body of work, no matter what your career path, by the time you hang ’em up, if you can say, ‘This place is in better shape than when I started,’ then you did good.”
107. “When my job isn’t performing in a WWE ring, my job is to get back performing in that ring. When , all I have to do all day is get strong and get better. I’m a very dedicated physical therapy patient, and that helps a lot.”
108. “If you don’t learn from your mistakes, then they become regrets.”
109. “A lot of times, people are reserved, or maybe scared of testing what your body is capable of. I’m not.”
110. “You often hear when you talk to guys in our industry that this is my personality, I just turn the volume up, but over the years, I’ve really become me—no volume turned up, no nothing. I’ve been able to go out there and just be myself. It’s through solid performance after solid performance that people just take you for who you are.”
111. “The conditioning and the lifestyle changes you have to make to remain a healthy athlete are what molded me into what I am today.”
112. “I take a very unselfish approach to my job and what I do, because people spend their hard-earned money to enjoy what we do, and our goal is to deliver the best show possible. If I can contribute to that, great.”
113. “The big moments for me are moments when I can actually contribute.”
114. “I bring a lot of energy and passion to what I do. Plus, I’ve had some weird feats of superhuman strength!”
115. “Pretty much my feeling toward MCs is if you really got heart, you got passion, let’s get on and do something. I like doing stuff with people that’s real.”
116. “A true champion is not judged by how much he or she is admired, but by how well they can stand in the face of adversity.”
117. “Time management is the key. Although it seems hectic, as long as you manage your time properly, you can get everything done.”
118. “I literally wake up and try to tackle every day the best I can, and do my best to try to make life as productive and positive as I can.”
119. “I didn’t dominate WWE when I first started, it was a slow process. I wasn’t labelled ‘The Golden Child’ from day one, it’s been a very long road.”
120. “When you are surrounded by people who are much better than you, you have two choices—you can shit the bed, and the performance can go to hell. Or you can step up and rise to the occasion.”
121. “I think with any challenge or any matchup, I can have my own personal feelings of what I want, but it really all depends on our audience. Our job is to give them the best entertainment that we feel is right. If it’s something that they want to see, they’ll be loud and vocal about it, and we’ll do it.”
122. “I used to like to see The Millionaires versus The Hulkamaniacs. That team versus team atmosphere where you have 10 guys or 8 guys, and it comes down to 3-on-1—that got exciting for me.”
123. “I’ve met fans that are 9 months old to 90 years old.”
124. “Thank you for letting idiots like me come out and live this wonderful wonderful dream. I love you to death. Let’s go home.”
125. “Thank you guys. Thank you for never giving up on me.”
126. “Going from Lucifer after Dead Man in a casket, don’t mess with me. I’ll put you to hell in a handbasket.”
127. “You get my point now? Coz before, I thought you missed it. I’m a viagra triple shot, you just a limp Bizkit. Word, life.”
128. “Whoa! There goes Cody Rhodes. Whoa! You’re only smoke and mirrors. Whoa! You’re only smoke and mirrors. What’s up, man?”
129. “You can run, I will chase you. You can hide, I will find you. We’re gonna fight, and I’m gonna hurt you.”
130. “The last time the three of us were in the ring together, it was pretty awesome. Vickie, we had a sweet, sexy, passionate make-out session. Dolph, you remember? You were there! You were cool with it.”
131. “And right now, you two jackwagons are right in the middle of my living room, and I’m coming to take out the trash.”
132. “Ah, Wade. Wade, you’re just so stupid.”
133. “Easy, Curious George! Get your grubby hands off of that wheel!”
134. “Son of a mustard sandwich, that ends tonight!”
135. “15 steel chairs? That’s insane. It was 23 steel chairs.”
136. “The coolest thing to me, and especially now that our program is PG-friendly, and we advertise that to the hilt, but fathers and come up to me and tell me to keep doing what I’m doing, because I’m a good role model for their kids.”
137. “I’m the one person who wears the words ‘hustle, loyalty, respect’ on my t-shirts and merchandise. My audience is children. It’s very flattering to see a kid wear your t-shirt. It’s even more flattering to have a dad come up to you and say, ‘I watch you with my kid. Keep doing what you’re doing. You’re a role model for my son.’”
138. “What I do for Make-A-Wish is I make children and families that are up against some pretty tough circumstances, I let them come into our WWE universe, and I do my best to make them feel good. I’ve seen a lot of kids and a lot of families happy, and I think people are going to watch ‘American Grit’ and have emotional moments.”
139. “The only time I ever get choked is when I’m at Make-A-Wish headquarters, because you’re talking and working with people who share the same ideals.”
140. “The days I see a Make-A-Wish kid are the best days of the week. It’s a real privilege. I give them exactly what they give me—hope.”
141. “I take pride in the fact that a lot of little kids dig what I do.”
142. “WWE has a very strong affiliation with Make-A-Wish, and we can provide a great experience. It’s extremely flattering that for one wish, a family would like to hang out with you. There’s nothing more flattering than that.”
143. “At my age, I’m not trying to score cool points. I’m just excited when I can speak to younger members of our audience in the WWE. I just get to be a superhero to kids, but I’m not trying to be on the cutting edge of style or anything like that. Once you reach that point of deprivation, you don’t mind it.”
144. “The Wonderful Pistachios campaign is a great example. I don’t involve myself with a project I don’t feel passionate about. I could talk your ear off about internal statistics for WWE and what we have planned for the future. Why do I know that stuff? Because I like to do all that stuff.”
145. “Seriously, I grew up a fan of Hulk Hogan, and I think I bring some of his best values to the ring—the values of a superhero. Always do your best. Never give up. I think kids want to believe in that, and they should believe in that.”
146. “I have certain things that I stand for, certain things that I believe in, and if you don’t like it, and you tell me to go to hell, I think that’s your God-given right as a fan. It’s one of those deals where I’m that one guy who is outside of that realm of good guy, bad guy. I’m just me, and it elicits a response both positive and negative.”
147. “Whether you like me or you don’t, I still dig showing up for work.”
148. “Chicago fans cheer and boo who they want. They’re great fans, whether they like me or not. They show you how they feel. I don’t like crowds that sit on their hands.”
149. “There are a certain amount of folks who admire me, there are a certain amount of folks who don’t, and I’m not going to try and change their mind. Nothing I can do will change their mind anyway, because they already have a good gauge of who I am as a person.”
150. “I’m not trying to brainwash my critics. If they’re critics, they’re critics, and that’s their job to be critical, but I certainly enjoy the involvement I have with my fans. I enjoy the time I get to spend with them, and I don’t waste time with someone stubborn who is not going to come around.”
151. “I’ve always taken any sort of audible response as a compliment, and I always understand it is our consumers’ right and privilege to say whatever people want at our events. So as long as there’s no silence, I’ll keep being excited. But that stuff in the arenas is one thing. The comments on the internet—the obnoxious, visceral comments—are baffling to me. I just don’t know why that’s the way it is.”
152. “Newsflash! Half the people out there think I suck!”
153. “When I hear people boo, that just makes me want to go out there and work harder.”
154. “I’ve been very true to know that I have a base of fans, and I’m extremely loyal, and extremely supportive to that base of fans. To the rest of them, I enjoy the fact that they fill the arenas and tell me to go to hell.”
155. “Just like I have my critics, Dwayne ‘The Rock’ Johnson has critics, and I was one of the biggest ‘Hey man, you’re never here’ guys around, but not anymore. He’s completely committed to WWE.”
156. “Undertaker, certainly, is a cornerstone of WWE, and just as I say to myself that I really would have liked to been able to get to know and certainly get in the ring with Andre the Giant, just because of all the respect and folklore that went around with Andre, I think The Undertaker has that same sort of respect and folklore around him.”
157. “Hulk Hogan slamming Andre the Giant, I remember watching WrestleMania with my family and friends on TV—93,000 people in the Silverdome. When Hogan picked up Andre, I got goosebumps.”
158. “To say Roman Reigns isn’t connecting with an audience means you’re not listening. I’ve watched a lot of Roman Reigns, and every single time I see him, I hear noise. He connects very well with our audience.”
159. “I want to see someone like Bobby ‘The Brain’ jumping around in his weasel suit with the rhinestones. Guys who are animated like that make the best translation to TV and to videogames.”
160. “Mark Wahlberg’s, like, 150 pounds! I’m 250 lean. I look like Mark Wahlberg ate Mark Wahlberg.”
161. “There is only one . What Dwayne has done is absolutely fantastic. He had a vision when he was here at WWE. He promotes like a mad man. We’ll see how I do with John Cena before I can be mentioned in the company of Dwayne Johnson.”
162. “Ric Flair is one of the most entertaining guys to sit down with, and by entertaining, I don’t mean he has catchy phrases, but that he’s been through so much, and his experiences are so genuine I could listen to him talk all day.”
163. “I think Edge has completely put himself on the map as a bona fide WWE superstar.”
164. “I’ve got my eye on Big Cass and Enzo Amore. I think they ooze everything that it takes to be a WWE superstar. They have so much energy. Those guys and the Vaudevillains are the guys I’ve been tipping my cap to on the viewership side.”
165. “Paul Bearer was very influential in the early stages of my career. He constantly hounded me, and I just think he realized the potential that was there. He convinced me that I was in the right place and doing the right thing.”
166. “In 1985, if you were a wrestling fan, you were into Hogan. That’s just the way it was.”
167. “I’ve always been a fan of . Guys that , throughout a long-term career, that not only have success but are very aware of their situation. I really dig that.”
168. “They were enjoying it. Whether they were faking or not, they were enjoying it.”
169. “Vince McMahon owns me.”
170. “I don’t wanna wrestle Big Show tonight because I’m scared that he’s gonna eat me!”
171. “Set some goals, and then, demolish them.”
172. “I was always training for appearance rather than performance.”
173. “I don’t think my body’s gonna go to hell if I train for performance. It might change a little and adapt, but I like being strong.”
174. “I’m the guy who’ll drive 250 miles tonight and be at the gym tomorrow at 10 A.M. when people are still sleeping in. I’m the guy who’ll fly to Australia and find a gym, fly back, and the first thing I do off the plane is work out before I shower or eat.”
175. “People can say whatever they want about the sport of bodybuilding, but to get prepared to do a contest, or even think about doing a contest, or even to get into decent shape, it requires a certain amount of discipline, and it comes from taking a new year’s resolution to a lifestyle.”
176. “A role like I had on ‘Parks and Rec,’ to me, is very easy to understand, and that’s something that I can do with my eyes closed.”
177. “With any of the movies I’ve had a chance to do, or any of the TV shows I’ve had a chance to contribute to, people approach me and say, ‘Hey, would you like to do this?’ I laugh out loud and say, ‘Yes, that’d be funny.’ Or I’m very moved by what I read and say, ‘Yes. How can I help you?’”
178. “I opened the script to ‘The Wall,’ and 15 minutes later, I was done with it, and I loved the movie, and wanted to be part of it.”
179. “My hat’s off to anybody filming action, because you get beat up. If I’m going to get the crap kicked out of me, I would love 15,000 people on hand to tell me that I’m doing good or I’m doing bad. So, if I’m going to be in any physical duress, I’d really like it to be in a WWE ring, which is why I was so amped to be a part of ‘Trainwreck.’”
180. “I can’t tell you how many times I would call and text my boss, Vince McMahon, on the set of ‘Sisters’ and ‘Trainwreck’ and anything else like this to thank him for over-preparing me for this.”
181. “I think the way WWE Studios is going now—they’re going away from action, doing more drama, more comedy—it will open a lot of people’s eyes, because a lot of people see big guys, big frames, action superstars. We’ve proven, especially with ‘Legendary,’ that that is not always the case.”
182. “What I really like about ‘Grit’—especially being the guy who goes on TV every week and says ‘Never Give Up,’ and who truly tries to live his life to that credo—we recruited 16 people who said, ‘I will never give up.’ And the only way they can leave the contest is by doing the one thing they said they never would.”
183. “Being able to swing in and host the ‘Today’ show when they call me, it certainly is a new experience that I have a lot of fun with, and it’s different than being in the middle of the ring in ‘Monday Night Raw.’”
184. “I’ve been actively trying to extend my reach beyond WWE. I wanted to do some non-action related projects, stuff that will resonate with different audiences who might not know who I am.”
185. “There is a director for a reason, because a director knows what’s best for the movie. You just give your director as much as you can to work with, and hopefully, the decisions they make are going to be great.”
186. “The ‘Sisters’ phenomenon was a byproduct of the ‘Trainwreck’ deal. I had to do the normal auditioning process for ‘Trainwreck’. I was extremely nervous for it, because you plan for this one event, and you get the opportunity.”
187. “With comedies, it’s been very gratifying to be able to clock in, laugh all day, and then clock out.”
188. “And at points in the movie, John Cena is actually impervious to bullets!”
189. “I know a lot of actors who live with a kind of soundtrack in their lives, even to go to the market. I’m not that kind of actor. I don’t listen to songs. I actually like quiet.”
190. “I think I’m not uber into the comedy scene, but I love to laugh, especially in our business, where you’re always front and center over an extremely, sometimes overly-critical live audience. I think it helps to laugh.”
191. “I play golf once in a while. I certainly love to train. I’m also a big fan of NASCAR and Japanimation.”
192. “Nothing gets my blood pumping like a little Animotion.”
193. “I have a Chevy Impala that I roll around in and a ’89 Jeep Wrangler, which is the first car I ever bought. It has 180,000 miles on it, and that is my daily whip. I take that everywhere. Don’t forget where you came from, that’s why I’ll never get rid of that Jeep.”
194. “My favorite anime movie is ‘Fist of the North Star’.”
195. “I’m big into the PlayStation 2. From what I’ve heard, the Xbox is the better system, but I can’t get used to that controller.”
196. “I’m actually a fan of all of the EA Sports titles like ‘,’ ‘Madden,’ and I’m really looking forward to buying ‘NBA Street V3.’”
197. “I’m a cigar aficionado.”
198. “’Tropic Thunder’ is one of my favorite movies of all time, ‘Blazing Saddles,’ anything that will get me to smile.”
199. “I eat well. I don’t really, I guess, like, steam my own food and cook my own food in advance. I enjoy food, but I just don’t make bad decisions.”
200. “What I want to do is, I want to put together a nice list of those guys who I really did admire when I was growing up, listening to names like Lord Finesse.”
201. “I’m a small-time white kid trying to represent hip-hop. If a hip-hop artist comes up and beats me in a battle, who did they beat? A small-town white kid who ain’t never been an MC, who ain’t never done nothing. Now, if an MC comes to battle and they get beat by a small-town white boy, that’s MC suicide.”
202. “Hip-hop, certainly, is in sync with the youth, and every day that passes, I grow less youthful, as much as I have tried to hold onto it.”
203. “First thing you have to understand is that freestyling is much different than making hip-hop music—there’s another whole element to being a hip-hop MC.”
204. “But I’ve been freestyling and messing around with rhyming since I was 13. That’s when I really started listening to hip-hop music.”
205. “I think the greatest hip-hop artist of all time is Jay-Z, without a doubt. He just keeps amazing me with his performance, and since ’96, that guy has been producing at least one hit every summer and every winter. That’s a pretty good resume.”
206. “I admire the military. I guess in a world of villains and heroes, they’re my heroes—their dedication, their commitment, their discipline, their code of ethics.”
207. “You learn to laugh at yourself, and you also lean on comedy as a crutch to kind of take the edge off because comedians often are self-deprecating, and they cross lines that they shouldn’t. Stuff like that brings a smile to my face every once in a while when needed.”
208. “If you broke down my technique, it wouldn’t really take a rocket scientist to do so.”
209. “I think the Invictus Games is something the world needs to know more about. What it does for the competitors, and what it does for the families, and what it does for the and their support system is nothing short of phenomenal. More people need to know about it.”
210. “The ESPYS are about appreciating moments in sports and not looking down on it, because it’s maybe not your favorite athlete or your favorite team.”
211. “Every member of the U.S. Armed Forces knows what they signed up for, and they know what their job is, and they are proud of their job.”
212. “America, itself, has been through so many challenges since that fateful day back in 1776. Our culture has been a roll-up-your-sleeves-and-go-to-work culture.”
213. “My favorite city is anything close to home. Anytime, I can sleep in my own bed, that’s a good one.”
214. “Being able to control a live crowd at the ESPYs, that’s fun.”
215. “There will be a time when I won’t be able to perform in the ring.”
216. “I think everybody, you know, we all have a sense of humor and I’m not one to take myself too seriously.”
217. “When you think something is cool already, it’s okay to put in an honest day’s work.”
218. “Kickin’ ass, takin’ names, cashing checks, and breakin necks, the champ is here.”
219. “There’s been a lot of balls that have been pounding in that end zone.”
220. “It’s unrated, which means it’s too confusing to possibly put a rating on.”